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Methods of Experimental Physics: Biophysics - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

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Methods of Experimental Physics: Biophysics - islamsahly - 2009-02-15

Methods of Experimental Physics: Biophysics
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Methods of Experimental Physics: Biophysics

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نبذة عن الكتاب
This volume describes three types of measurements that have been of
intense interest to physicists working in biology-spectroscopy of macromolecules,
structure determination by the scattering of particles or radiation,
and electrical measurements on cell membranes.

Parts 1-4 discuss several types of spectroscopy, and are primarily concerned
with the determination of molecular information. Parts 5-9 are
concerned with methods used to visualize the structures and motions of
large molecules and cells. Parts 10 and I 1 discuss methods for studying
membranes, either directly or by means of model systems.

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معلومات الكتاب
651 pages
10 Mb
لغة الكتاب: English
نوع الملف: محول pdf بي دي اف
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