تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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اطلب اللعبة الذى تريدها ونحضرها لك خلال يومين كاحد اقصى
لعبة Diner Dash 3 Flo on the Go
[صورة: diner-dash-flo-on-the-go.jpg]

كود :
Flo trades in her apron for a passport to paradise! But will our hard-working waitress get a chance to relax? Join Flo and her sidekick Darla as they embark on the vacation of their dreams. But when Flo's suitcase suddenly spills into the water, she must rely on her table-serving talents to get her vacation (and her lost wardrobe) back on track. Seat customers, take orders, and satisfy nine types of customers to help Flo improve five all-new restaurants in the third episode of the original smash hit!


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مرحبا يا كبييييييييييييييييير
شكرا ع الخدمه الرائعه
ارجوا منك تحميل لعبة Midtown Madness 3 كامله وبروابط قليله وكبيره
لو سمحت
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اخى فى الحقيقة لا اعلم اذا كانت هى هذه اللعبة ام لا
بس حبيت اساعد فقط تفضل هذه اللعبة الى وجدتها

[صورة: 1234711863_MIDTOWN-MADNESS.jpg]

كود :
You get to drive a wide assortment of real-world vehicles, from the frightfully popular Volkswagen New Beetle to the luxurious 1999 Cadillac El Dorado. You can also unlock a bevy of unusual machines, from a city bus to a souped-up Ford Mustang police car. All these cars handle and sound different from one another (you even hear warning beeps when the bus goes in reverse), and although the game plays best from a third-person view, you can switch to a unique first-person dashboard view, complete with steering wheel and tachometer but no rearview mirrors. There's also a great wide-screen view that increases your field of vision as well as your frame rate, and there's a real-time map of the city marked with all its landmarks. Though you can drive around ten different vehicles total, it's too bad there weren't even more real cars, like the hundreds available in the popular PlayStation driving game Gran Turismo. It's also a bit of a disappointment that all the cars you'll come across on the city streets are generic hatchbacks and sedans and not the real thing like what you're driving.

Midtown Madness requires some pretty powerful hardware in order to look its best, and even at its best it doesn't look as good as it might have and often suffers from choppy frame rates. With all its options turned on, the vehicles look nice and shiny although at times a little too flat. They get damaged when they run into things, although this effect isn't entirely convincing either. Other details really stand out, like the bright traffic lights and the different weather and time conditions that manage to evoke a particular beauty about the city through their sheer variety. But while it's great to see Chicago's landmarks and its smaller streets modeled so carefully, it's too bad that most of the storefronts in the game are generic and often repeated, even on the same block. Thus Midtown Madness approaches, but doesn't actually reach, that meticulous level of realism and detail that driving games must necessarily strive for.

Nevertheless, it's fun to be able to drive like a maniac and beat up a Beetle while racing the city cops. If you feel there's some scathingly detrimental social undercurrent to this game's affording you the freedom to drive however you like, then by all means keep off the road. But Midtown Madness doesn't present itself as some sort of perfectly realistic simulation: Pedestrians deftly dive out of the way of traffic, cars that are struck and sent airborne safely return to their routine, and mailboxes and parking meters that are uprooted eventually regenerate in their rightful places. Midtown Madness lets you safely run amok, because you know you can't in real life.

256 MB RAM



ارجو التوفيق
المنتدى للبيع
للاستفسارمن خارج فلسطين 00970598690678
من داخل فلسطين 0598690678
اصدار 1.6
Forum King 3mrey
شكر من طرف :
السلام عليكم انا عايزه لعبة age of oracles :tarasjourney
شكر من طرف :
لعبة Age Of Oracles: Tara's Journey F!NAL
[صورة: 1e9u6h.jpg]

كود :
Pulled from her own world into a foreign and mysterious realm, Tara must meet the difficult challenges set before her by a magical talking peacock! Discover a wonderful and hilarious cast of characters that will bring Tara closer to her destiny in this fun and exciting Hidden Object Adventure game. Explore the lush and gorgeous landscape as you journey back to your home in Age Of Oracles: Tara`s Journey.

*Gorgeous graphics
*A variety of minigames
*Lead Tara to her destiny!


شكر من طرف :
انا عايزة لعبة كمان romance of rome
شكر من طرف :
لعبة Romance Of Rome 1.0
[صورة: jpdff8.jpg]

كود :
Default Romance Of Rome 1.0 - Yesterday, 09:03 AM

Romance Of Rome gives you another chance to visit the legendary Roman Empire. Love and treachery, adventure and jeopardy await you in this amazing hidden object game. Join Marcus as he travels toRome in search of the greatest adventure of his life!
Romance Of Rome game opens as you learn that imperial relics are stolen and the Emperor promises to marry his beautiful daughter to any person who brings them back. Only you can help Marcus find the stolen relics and win the heart of the Emperor’s daughter.
Travel to every corner of the ancient city of Rome like Coliseum, Thermae, Forum and more, collect skillfully hidden items, earn money, get original trophies and complete challenging quests to earn love and worship of Roman citizens.


شكر من طرف :
معلشي انا كنت عايزه اللعبتين بالرابط ميجا اب لود لان موقع التحميل ال رابيد شير مبيحملش معايا
اولا انا اشكرك جزيل الشكر علي مدي استجابتك لينا في جميع الالعاب اللي عيزنها
بس اللعبتين الاولي لعبه :puppetshow :mystery of joyville الثانيه لعبه : reincarnations: awakening
حاولت احملهم بالربط رابيد شير لم تفلح معايا جميع المحاولات معلشي انا بتقل عليك وكنت اطلب منك تغير الرابط برابط سهل ممكن احمل منة ولك جزيل الشكر
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الاخ العزيز ارجومنك لعبة town toon ولك مني جزيل الشكر
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لم اجد لعبة بهذا الأسم اخى.
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التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 29 ) ضيف كريم