تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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Adding logo at the top of the board index page - Adding border around board index
I can't tell you what is wrong, becuase I don't know what the path that contain your images.
for the code above your images must be located at the root forum directory, if not
so tell me where do you put it?
شكر من طرف :

الردود في هذا الموضوع
Re: Adding logo - Adding border - بواسطة Pepo - 2007-12-07, 09:17 PM
Re: Adding logo at the top of the board index page - Adding border around board index - بواسطة Pepo - 2007-12-08, 01:59 PM

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 11 ) ضيف كريم