تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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اطلب اللعبة الذى تريدها ونحضرها لك خلال يومين كاحد اقصى
Chicken Invaders 3 Christmas Edition
[صورة: 1304_BvlGlass_200x200.jpg]

كود :
Chicken Invaders 3 is a very good game. It has smooth graphics, satisfying audio as well as a user-friendly control system and interface.

Comparing to Chicken Invaders 2, this version now shows your weapon power level and how much chicken legs you have collected (for missiles). It has removed the “Teamwork” bonus, however, meaning that multiple players can no longer stick together to take a powerup.

Though it is an enjoyable game, this version of CI3 from Reflexive has something important missing - The two-player mode! One of the reasons that Chicken Invaders is so great is about the multi-player, and now this version has none of those multi-player modes… So disappointing, I must say.


شكر من طرف :

الردود في هذا الموضوع
RE: اطلب اللعبة الذى تريدها ونحضرها لك خلال يومين كاحد اقصى - بواسطة Pepo - 2009-02-11, 06:26 PM

التنقل السريع :

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