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برنامج الأورج LinPlug Organ VSTi v3.1.1
برنامج الأورج الرائع LinPlug Organ VSTi v3.1.1 لهواة الموسيقى ومحترفينها.

[صورة: 1_931944572.jpg]
كود :
Authentic emulation of many classic organs and the rotary speaker

Each emulated aspect is individually switchable or adjustable

3 manuals, individually adjustable and playable on separate MIDI channels
or in split or layer mode

Dual effects section with fully syncable rotary, reverb, delay and chorus,
and new: Gator and LoFi crusher.

64 voice polyphonic (CPU dependent)

Individually adjustable Percussion for upper and lower manual

Adjustable Keyclick and Motor noise from off to authentic or even up to

Controller hardware (faderbox or synth) can be used to control the LinPlug
Organ 3 parameters

Switchable Portamento / Glide

Adjustable age from factory new to trashy

Spread (Unison) for each manual

ADSR envelope for each manual

Microtuning support (TUN files) for different scales

Including 11 alternative tonewheels

Fully recognized velocity, adjustable pitch bend

Rotary simulation with full sync to song tempo (even tempo changes can be

Sample accurate timing

Full parameter automation

Settings are saved with your song


- fixed rare sound spikes with certain presets
- fixed GUI issues not showing right percussion or vibrato setting
- improved Windows Vista compatibility
- Windows 7 compatibility
- native 64 bit version for PC available

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الردود في هذا الموضوع
برنامج الأورج LinPlug Organ VSTi v3.1.1 - بواسطة غاوى داون لود - 2010-03-01, 09:41 PM

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 5 ) ضيف كريم