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برنامج Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 v13.00
البرنامج الأقوى على الإطلاق فى مجاله Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 v13.00
[صورة: 209msy9.jpg]
كود :
If creating great pictures is your passion, Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 is the photo-editing program for you. Featuring a brand-new RAW Lab and easy batch photo processing, it’s the only advanced photo-editing software to combine photo management, creative projects, photo sharing and even HD video slideshows in one package. It’s everything you need to get professional-looking results you’ll be proud to share. Ideal for DSLR cameras!

• Edit fast with advanced editing tools, including new Smart Carver
• Organize and manage all of your photos fast!
• Fix common problems fast in the Express Lab
• Edit one photo, then apply the changes to many others at once
• Import, make basic edits and export HD video
• Create photo books, HD slideshows, cards and more
• Print, burn to disc, send directly to Facebook®, Flickr™ and YouTube™


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