تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج ستاكر لحفظ الذاكرة معرب

[صورة: 1.gif]

SymbianWare Stacker v.3.00.S60.SymbianOS7.Arabic-3rabboy

[صورة: jpi54816.jpg]

Stacker lets you compress your apps and games to save memory, when the app is compressed and you open it, it decompresses the app until is closed and then it goes back to its compressed state.
Stacker has a special future which shows you the compressed apps right from the menu i.e the icon of the app that you have compressed has a little C on it show is compressed

لتحميل: هنا


Compatible devices:
All S60v1 & S60v2

[صورة: 3.gif]
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