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تحميل برنامج Core FTP Pro 2.1.1643
تحميل برنامج Core FTP Pro 2.1.1643
[صورة: core_ftp_pro-25919-2.jpeg]

كود :
This secure FTP client gives you a fast, easy, reliable way to update and maintain your website via FTP. It also provides a secure method (via SSL, TLS, or SFTP) to upload / download files to and from FTP servers. Check out the list of features and you’ll find almost every feature you need, all in a free ftp program. There are no popup ads, advertising or spyware and you’re never asked or reminded to register.

* Fast multiple threaded connection options
* Download acceleration (Multi-part downloads as of ver 1.2a)
* File Synchronization
* Thumbnail image viewing
* Connect Manager for connecting to high traffic sites
* Ability to customize screen setup
* Recursive chmod/timestamp, and other advanced options
* Splash screen delay removed

1 Unpack
2 Use our keymaker to generate a working key.
3 Enjoy!

Release: Core.FTP.Pro.v2.1.1643.Incl.Keymaker-ARN
Size: 4 MB



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