2010-03-08, 07:04 AM

ازيكم ؟؟ ان شاء الله بخير....

نشوف البوستر
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Single Player
The game is set in fictional dystopian city Rapture in alternative history 1970, a decade after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy reactivates with no recollection of the past decade's events, and scours the city in a vain attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. When it becomes obvious that Rapture's leader Sofia Lamb will become responsible for the city's destruction, the Big Daddy attempts to overthrow Lamb and her army of Big Sisters.
The player takes the role of "Subject Delta", a prototype for the Big Daddies seen in the original game and the first Big Daddy to be successfully bonded with a Little Sister. The character possesses superior speed and intelligence to other Big Daddies, as well as free will. As such, the player uses the Big Daddy's drill and rivet gun as weapons as well as some other weapons found across Rapture. However, in a new addition, it is now possible to perform a melee attack with every weapon in the game. The weapons in the game will have several types of ammo, similar to the first game. Additionally, in contrast to other Big Daddies, the player may also use plasmids, while "upgrade trees" will provide unique ways to upgrade them. A new feature added is the ability to dual-wield plasmids and weapons at the same time. Further Big Daddy abilities found in the first game, such as performing
a shoulder dash, will also be an option.The player will also be able to step outside the city of Rapture into the ocean due to the diving suit they wear. Here the player can explore the ocean floor, recover from fights, marvel at the city from the outside and pick up special items. As seen by the demo, some of the special items include first aid kits, EVE Hypos, and special sea slugs. These sea slugs create ADAM, the genetic material for the production of Plasmids. Throughout the game the player will be forced to fight Rapture's new Big Sisters, hybrids of sorts between the Big Daddy and older Little Sisters. A Big Sister attack will be spontaneous and unplanned, but if the player has a Little Sister with them at the time, she'll give you a warning that a Big Sister is coming. Unlike the Big Daddies, they are extremely quick and arguably more powerful, able to extract ADAM from their enemies through a harvesting needle, straight into her bloodstream, which fuels "telekinetic abilities beyond anything previously thought possible".
BioShock 2 will feature a story driven Multiplayer mode where the player takes on the role of a citizen of Rapture. Set in 1959 (one year before the events of BioShock), the player chooses to take on the role of a splicer fighting in Rapture's Civil War. The player is being sponsored by Plasmid manufacturer, Sinclair Solutions, to test out their weapons, Plasmids, and Tonics in a consumer reward program. As you progress through the multiplayer experience your character will unlock new weapons and Plasmids, provided by Sinclair, as well as progress the story of the Rapture Civil War.
Multiplayer will come in 5 different modes, two of which have a single and team based mode. The modes are:
* Survival of the Fittest: A 'free-for-all' mode where each player gets points for killing each of the other players. Whichever player has the most kills at the end of the match wins.
* Civil War: Similar to 'Survival of the Fittest,' but in this mode players are divided into two teams and the team with the most collective kills at the end of the match wins.
* Last Splicer Standing: A variation of 'Survival of the Fittest' where the player does not respawn after being killed. The last player alive at the end of the match is the winner.
* Capture the Sister: A 'Capture the Flag' style mode where players are divided into two teams. One team has to protect a Little Sister while the other team tries to steal her and place her in a vent on the other side of the map. After a pre-determined amount of time, the teams switch roles. Whichever team has the most captures at the end of the match wins.
* ADAM Grab: In this mode there is one Little Sister on the map and the player must seek her out and maintain possession of her as long as possible. Whoever has held onto the Sister longest at the end of the match wins.
* Team ADAM Grab: A variant of 'ADAM Grab' where players are divided into two teams. The objective is the same, but victory is determined by a collective score rather than individual scores.
* Turf War: Players are split into two teams and each team must reach pre-determined points on the map to capture that point. The team with the most control points over the longest time wines
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اتمني للجميع وقت ممتع ولذيذ

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اشوفكم فى المشاركة الجاية
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سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقة وزنه عرشه ورضي نفسه ومداد كلماته