تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج Magic Burning Studio v12.1.0.2010
برنامج Magic Burning Studio v12.1.0.2010
[صورة: 100304063012678881.jpg]

كود :
Magic Burning Studio upgrade version offers powerful improvements to the old version, it can meet all your needs in burning data, audio and video to CD/DVD/VCD/SVCD. It also gives you a full and customized control of your burning files, such as selecting file system, changing CD-text, defining title and artist, adding disc label, defining burning speed and burning mode.


* Create MP3 CDs/DVDs discs.
* Burn movies as video DVD, video CD (VCD) or super video CD (S-VCD).
* Create and burn CD/DVD Images.
* Burn WAV, MP3, WMA and Ogg files directly to audio CDs.
* Burn data to CD/DVD.
* Burn DVD video folder.
* Burn ISO file to CD/DVD
* Convert video files to VOB
* Copy disc
* Show information about recorder


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