تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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لعبة Need For Speed Pro Street
وردة منى ليك مساء الخير / صباح الخير وردة منى ليك
نشوف البوستر
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Platform: PC
Category: Racing
Publisher: EA Games
Release: 2007/11/13
Size: 684.6 MB

A new spin on the Need for Speed franchise, ProStreet thrusts players
into a head-to-head competition against the best street racers in a
multitude of racing showdowns. The game is a true taste of raw
adrenaline and racing with consequences. Every dent, every scratch and
every crumpled body panel is a battle scar, proof of your commitment
and competitive mettle. With an aggressive and skilled AI system, you
become immersed in an unmatched believable race experience. Add in a
revolutionary online mode that will redefine the meaning of competitive
social play, and Need for Speed ProStreet is the ultimate formula for
an emotionally charged street racing showdown. It also pushes the
\"Autosculpt\" technology to a new level, allowing you to directly impact
your car\'s performance for the first time as well as personalize its

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وردة منى ليك[صورة: 2cfukv4.png](F)
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[صورة: 2rc6i43.jpg]
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