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برنامج JetPhoto Studio Pro 4.7.2
برنامج JetPhoto Studio Pro 4.7.2

[صورة: 00132a39_medium.jpeg]

كود :
JetPhoto Studio Pro 4.7.2 | Mac OS X | 25.2 MB

Powers Your Photo Life! JetPhoto Studio

What's JetPhoto ?
JetPhoto Studio is a feature-rich and easy-to-use digital photo software. Take a tour

Creating Flash Galleries and Web Galleries
With just a few clicks, JetPhoto Studio can turn your digital photos into beautiful Flash galleries with a professional look. JetPhoto Studio also makes fantastic web galleries quickly and easily.

Publishing Web Albums with JetPhoto Server
JetPhoto Studio is an advanced photo Web publisher, making sharing your photo albums on the Internet easy. Once the photo album is prepared on your computer, only One-Click is needed to upload the album onto your own photo website using JetPhoto Server.

JetPhoto Server is a PHP-based open source program to create your full-featured photo gallery website.

JetPhoto Studio is also an efficient desktop photo organizer for flickr users. Edit tags, descriptions, geo data for photos or sets of photos on your computer. Then you can post your organized pictures onto Flickr with just one click.

GPS and GeoTagging
JetPhoto Studio allows users to review photos on a map within the program, which shows the locations where each photo was taken. JetPhoto matches digital photos with time-synchronized GPS tracks to locate photos automatically, and links photos on Google Earth and Google Maps.

Now, you can use JetPhoto Studio to make your outstanding web galleries with Google Maps!

Upgrade your JetPhoto Studio to Pro version!
You could download JetPhoto Studio software freely. The standard version of this software is free of charge.

However, if you are a professional or commercial user, you need consider to become a registered JetPhoto user. This software will be upgraded to JetPhoto Studio Pro after registering. The registered user of JetPhoto Studio Pro will receive more supports and services directly from the developers of JetPhoto. And the enhanced functionality of the Pro version contains:

• Supports for the RAW files captured by Nikon, Canon or other cameras.
• EXIF tools to write Notes, Keywords and GPS metadata into JPEG or RAW files.
• More customization options to generate Flash movies and galleries (color, size, label etc.).
• Unlimited uses to generate Lightbox and Coverflow web galleries.
• Unlimited uses to geotag photos with GPS.
• Unlimited uses to generate Google Map web gallery and Google Earth KMZ,KML files.
• Removed JetPhoto advertising on the generated Flash movies or web galleries.

Mac Platform: UB
OS version: 10.4 and later

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