تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج Power Screen Capture 7
برنامج Power Screen Capture 7

[صورة: screen_capture_box3.jpg]

[صورة: screen_capture1.jpg]

[صورة: screen_capture2.jpg]

كود :
With Power Screen Capture, you can capture screen from your desktop with high quality. Besides, it offers you the function of capturing video and image from other devices, DV and TV tuner. A list displays all the files captured by Power Screen Capture, and then you can view, copy, delete and rename these files freely and easily! Various settings let you set video compression codec, audio compression codec, output frame size and frame rate. You can also set properties of each capture device, preview and record real-time video, watch TV (TV Tuner is installed), add water mark or texts on video or image, etc.

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يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 4 ) ضيف كريم