تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج Anti Tracks
برنامج Anti Tracks

[صورة: 64fb6e94.png]

كود :
If you need to cover your virtual tracks by purging unwanted information from your PC, this program does a terrific job. After a speedy installation, Anti Tracks launches automatically to reveal an exceptionally organized interface. You select which files you want to delete from several sections, including ones for Web browsers (IE, Mozilla, Opera), Windows, e-mail, and various applications (such as ICQ or Kazaa). It's also possible to purge any folders of your choice. Paranoiacs will appreciate secure deletions by means of such algorithms as DoD 5220.22-M and Gutmann. What's more, you can design plug-ins for erasing traces left by any application. Besides the program's privacy tools, we were impressed with the features that let you save and launch scheduled tasks over and over again. By all means, Anti Tracks is one of the current best bets for anyone who needs a capable way to protect a PC's privacy.



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