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لعبة Sonic Heroes كاملة للتحميل ثلاث روابط فقط!

لعبة Sonic Heroes

صراحة ارى ان لعبة سونيك هيروس غنية عن التعريف وليس لدى ما اقوله عنها

ولذلك اليكم بعض الوصف عن اللعبة بالإنجليزية

video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the first multiplatform game in the Sonic series. The game was developed by Sonic Team USA, for the Nintendo GameCube, then ported onto the Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox, and PC CD-ROM using Renderware technology. The title's phrase "Sonic Heroes" refers to the uniting of the protagonists of the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

The game introduces several new gameplay elements. Unlike past Sonic games, which have all had a player controlling one character, players are able to control three characters at a time, switching the party's leader from speed, power and flight. The player must use these abilities to get through two "stages" before fighting a boss, which can either be Eggman in a robot, another team or an army of robots commanded by Eggman.

This game also marked the return of many characters from the Sonic universe: Chaotix, a group last seen in Knuckles' Chaotix on the Sega 32X; Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat from Sonic Adventure 2; Cream the Rabbit from Sonic Advance 2; Big the Cat from Sonic Adventure; Metal Sonic, who, prior to this game, had not played a major role in the series for years, last having one in Knuckles' Chaotix in 1995. The game also introduces a new character, E-123 Omega.

The plot of the game picks up where Sonic Adventure 2 left off, the predecessor itself was a continuation of Sonic Adventure. Although the plot for Sonic Heroes is somewhat sparse, a portion of it, particularly Team Dark's storyline, was a set-up for Shadow the Hedgehog released in 2005.

صور اللعبة
[صورة: s22031_pc_10.jpg]
[صورة: sonic0803.jpg]



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