تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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برنامج تصميم الشعارات AAA LOGO Maker اكثر من رائع...
برنامج تصميم الشعارات AAA LOGO Maker اكثر من رائع...

[صورة: ed5f8e10.png]

كود :
* Choose logo template from library or start a blank logo project
* Add new logo objects, customize/replace objects from template Select from library of 2000+ logo objects ! Customize colors and effects, adjust overall logo colors
* Export your new custom logo for the Web or Print
* There are plenty of editing tools that allow you to control the look and feel of your logo, including adding outline or shadow effects to any object.
* This logo-design software comes with a huge library of thousands easily customizable logo objects and clip art.
* Create logos for your website or print. It is so easy to do with AAA Logo - powerful logo maker / logo creation software
* Start with one of more than hundreds built-in logo templates or create your custom logo from scratch.
* AAA Logo comes with a seemingly limitless number of themes and fonts from which to choose
* You also can apply different styles to any individual object to get an almost unlimited combination of objects and effects.

رابط التحميل
شكر من طرف :

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 3 ) ضيف كريم