تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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website.submitter.2.9 برنامج يسهل اضافة موقعك الى اكثر من 4500 دليل و محرك بحث

[صورة: websubmitterbox.jpg]

[صورة: Website-Submitter-create-a-new-profile-o...ng-one.jpg]

[صورة: Website-Submitter-select-all-free-genera...tories.jpg]

[صورة: Website-Submitter-reports-in-pdf-and-htm-format.jpg]

البرنامج مهم جداا لأصحاب المواقع و ببساطة هو اداة تقوم بنشر موقعك على ازيد من 4500 دليل مواقع والعديد من محركات البحث بطريقة سهلة تختصر عنك الوقت و الجهد flower
و بالتالي تحسن ترتيبه و يزيد عدد الزوار

معلومات عن البرنامج
إقتباس :Website Submitter

◊ As Web surfers rely more and more on search engines like Google and MSN, it has become more important than ever to make sure your site can be found in those search engines for relevant keyword phrases. To do that, you have to get your site indexed. But how can you make sure that you are listed? How can you make sure that one of your sites hasn’t been ignored?

◊ Website Submitter is the easiest semi-automated Web promotion tool. With our software you will never need to search for places to advertise again. Easily submit multiple websites to 4500 directories.

◊ The majority of website traffic comes from search engines. Some research shows that as much as 75% of traffic comes from them, and it is increasing at a very rapid rate. If your site is not ranked as a top site in the search engines it is obvious that you are going to lose traffic.

It can be a difficult and time-consuming process to rank higher in the search engines for your targeted keyword phrases. Unless you are an expert in the field of Search Engine Optimization, you may very well fail at competing with older, better-established, and better-optimized competitors.

Most of search engines rank your website based on keyword searches, contents of the page, the number of incoming and reciprocal links which your website has gotten from other relevant sites, and so on. Are you really prepared to learn about all of these optimization processes on your own?

Website Submitter helps with all aspects of search engine and directory submission, such as:

◊ Increasing search engine traffic to your site(s)
◊ Unlimited submissions for your site(s)
◊ Keeping a current list of search engines and directories available to you
◊ Increasing backlinks through directory submissions
◊ Saving you time and effort
◊ Increasing backlinks through directory submissions in regional directories: 360 French directories, 200 Spanish directories, 160 German directories and 470 Romanian directories

More people are using search engines than ever before. This makes them the primary portal for many of your visitors. If you aren't listed in these engines, Web users won't even know you exist. You can list your sites with all of the major directories and search engines easily with Website Submitter.

Search engine submission can be confusing, especially when you have a lot of sites to manage. Make sure that they are all listed by using Website Submitter. It makes listing all of your sites with search engines quick and easy.

The Web is a volatile landscape. As such, new search engines are appearing every day. Keeping track of the latest additions can be a monumental task to handle independently. With Website Submitter, you won't have to worry. Our software will always have the latest lists of search engines and directories.

One of the most important tools for increasing your ranking in search engines is backlinks. Website Submitter helps you gain these important links by automatically submitting you to Web directories as well as search engines. Each directory you are listed in provides you with a backlink.

To submit your own sites to every search engine and directory provided by Website Submitter would take you weeks of work. Now you can submit all of your sites in a matter of hours. Take your time back by automating the submission process, so you can increase your productivity in running your business and websites.

Click to download - رابط التحميل -

بالتوفيق للجميع
﴿ ذَلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ ﴾
[صورة: histoirenarutoya5.jpg]
شكر من طرف :
أحسن الله إليك
شكر من طرف :
الرابط لا يعمل للاسف
كلماتنا فى الحب تقتل حبنا
ان الحروف تموت حين تقال

شكر من طرف :
(2009-07-06, 01:55 AM)AHMED MANGESTO كتب : الرابط لا يعمل للاسف

﴿ ذَلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ ﴾
[صورة: histoirenarutoya5.jpg]
شكر من طرف :
شكرا لك اخي بالفعل هذه البرامج تزيد ذلك لكن هل هي مخالفة لغوغل ادسنس
شكر من طرف :
تسلم والله

ماقلت كيف ممكن نستخدمه ياليت لو تشرح لنا الخطوات بالصور
شكر من طرف :
(2009-07-21, 05:49 PM)alfawalidou كتب :
(2009-07-06, 01:55 AM)AHMED MANGESTO كتب : الرابط لا يعمل للاسف


هل اعدت اعادة رفعة مخصوص بارك الله فيك اخى الفاضل على ما فعلت سواء عمل الرابط الجديد او لم يعمل فيكفى انك تابعت ردى واعدت رفع الملف اتمنالك التوفيق flower
كلماتنا فى الحب تقتل حبنا
ان الحروف تموت حين تقال

شكر من طرف :
ايش خطوات استخدامه ؟؟
شكر من طرف :
الله يعطيك العافيه انشاء الله

اقدر استخدمه لنشر المدونات ..؟ وهل هو معارض لسياسه جوجل ادسنس
شكر من طرف :
البرنامج لاضافة المواقع الى الادلة و محركات البحث...
لا اعتقد ان به اي مخالفة
شكر من طرف :

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 7 ) ضيف كريم