تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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لعبة السيارات الرائعة Crash Time III 2009 تحميل كامل
لعبة السيارات الرائعة Crash Time III 2009 تحميل كامل

[صورة: 31CrashTime3COV.jpg]

[صورة: 14scr1crash.jpg]

[صورة: 63scr2crash.jpg]

[صورة: 99scr3crash.jpg]

[صورة: 59scr4crash.jpg]

معلومات حول اللعبة:
كود :
Faced with a network of terrorists, you have no more than 8 days to prevent the assassination of a head of government. Crash Time III is the episode that brings the series to a whole new level.

Completely reworked Story mode
The previously published parts of the Crash Time series already offered tons of breathtaking action. Crash Time 3 also includes an all-new storyline. Right from the start, the player learns about the destructive power of a terrorist organization that will cross our heroes path again and again during the game. In the course of the game, the players objective is to discover more and more details and information regarding a series of crimes that seem to have no connection at first, and then solve everything in a grand finale.

Extended scope of action
The player is immersed deeper into the games storyline, interviewing informants and collecting information. And the player gets to decide how to proceed while completing the missions – simply stop the opponent with a block pass, or employ other means to achieve the given objective?

Pathfinding – improved navigation
An intelligent AI allows delinquent opponents to calculate the shortest paths automatically, and adapts the vehicle performance to the road conditions.

Fantastic driving physics
A state-of-the-art physics system offers an even more realistic driving experience. Score card The score card lists the status of missions, the efficiency of the players approach, and the game results in great detail.


- A gripping storyline and more than 50 missions with many different challenges await the player
- Bad guys try to avoid capture with all kinds of tricks and driving stunts
- Area of 32 km with more than 200 km of city streets and autobahn where you get to drive around by day and by night
- More than 40 vehicles, from police cars and airport fire engines to tricycles
- Completely new, flexible mission types
- The Story mode creates a dense atmosphere
- The dynamic pathfinder function of vehicles creates variation and increases the replay value
- Typical ambiance of the series, with extremely fast car chases and explosive crashes
- Next generation visuals
- Atmospheric ambient sound

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