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برنامج Driver Genius Professional Edition كامل
البرنامج الأقوى فى البحث عن وتحديث تعريفات الجهاز Driver Genius Professional Edition كامل ان شاء الله.
[صورة: driver16.jpg]
كود :
Driver Genius is a powerful driver manager for Windows that can backup, restore and update your drivers in several mouse clicks!

Backup Drivers - Driver Genius can detect and quickly backup the installed drivers in your system. It can compress the backup drivers to a zip file, self extracting file or an independent auto installer program.

Restore Drivers - You need not install drivers one-by-one after reinstalling your operating system. Just one click is all you need to install all your backup drivers automatically. You can also install drivers in command mode silently.

Update/Search Drivers- Are you still using an old driver or beta version drivers? These faulty drivers often cause compatibility problems and are one of the main causes of system crashes. A suitable driver can improve hardware performance by 50% or even more. There is information on more than 30,000 device drivers in the Driver Genius Database including Motherboard, Sound card, Video card, Network card, Modem, Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Printer, Digital devices etc. With one mouse click, Driver Genius can detect what drivers need updating. All drivers we offer are official version or WHQL versions--you can use them without any worries.

Uninstall Drivers - There could be some leftover drivers in your system due to hardware changes or previous driver updates. Driver Genius can find these useless drivers quickly and uninstall them.

LiveUpdate - We will update large numbers of drivers on our website. You can synchronize your database with our website to get the latest driver versions through the Liveupdate feature.

What can I do with Driver Genius?

Quickly backup device drivers for your computer.
One click will install all drivers.
Keep your drivers up to date.
Scan and fix your driver problem.

System Requirements

Pentium class CPU
64 Mb RAM
10 Mb hard drive space

Operating System:

Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/XP x64/Server 2003 x64/Vista x64/Windows 7/Windows 7 x64/Windows Server 2008/Windows server 2008 x64


· Fixed the program will break when scanning some storage devices.
· Lost some drivers when backing up drivers.
· The updated database can't be loaded immediately.

· Improved Windows 7 compatibility.
· Added Norwegian, Persian, Portuguese(Brazilian) language support.

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