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برنامج Resume Builder v4.4 لصنع السيرة الذاتية CV مع العديد من المزاية
برنامج Resume Builder v4.4

الذكى لصنع ملفات الـ cv او السيرة الذاتية مع العديد والعديد من المزاية وفيما يلى شرح ونبذة عنه باللغة الأنجليزية

Resume Builder saves you money and time, completing the work for you. The software creates your own customized, professional and visually appealing resume in just 15 minutes! Resume Builder presents you in the best possible light at the employer’s office by describing your precise skills, responsibilities and work experience.
In the job search process, a well-written and well-designed resume is essential. Our program does the thinking and writing for you.
Resume Builder simplifies the work of finding the job by providing intelligent and user-friendly software with these powerful features:
Core Features
[صورة: 28u2vd2.jpg]
* Styles and templates. Choose from more than fifteen different resume styles. Compose powerful resumes and cover letters with our free professionally designed templates.
* Sample resumes and resume examples. Find sample resumes and examples in French, German, and English languages. Templates and resume writing tips are also available for your job search. Resume Builder provides the collection of free sample resumes, designed especially for job-seekers.
* Defining your resume structure. Resume Builder can display the resume structure in a user-friendly format, so that you can choose which sections of the resume to publish. You can also modify the order of the Published Sections – Biographical Data, Objective, Employment History, Education History, Personal, Skill Areas, Publications, Honors/Awards, Summary, Licenses and Certification, Military History, and References.
* Complete control. You can even customize the toolbar in Resume Builder. Configure it to suit your needs! You can specify the font sizes, text styles and colors, background, headers, tables and lines.
* Integration with Microsoft Office. Resume Builder supports exporting resumes to the Microsoft® Word and plain-text formats.
* HTML publication. Exporting to HTML generates an HTML-based resume, which can include hyperlinks and other web-specific functionality.
* Business standards. Resume Builder supports exporting to the HR-XML standard. The HR-XML standard is a set of XML specifications that allows e-business and data-exchange automation in the human resources area.
* Resume printing. Resume Builder supports preview and printing any section of your resume.
* Spell checker. Resume Builder includes professional spell-checking, complete with international dictionaries.

[صورة: download.gif]

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[صورة: mybbsig.gif]
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و على كل حال .... أنا أرجوك في حال أنو عندك البرنامج ... يا ريت لو تبعثلي إياه على العنوان التالي في مجلد مضغوط ... و لك مني جزيل الشكر و الإمتنان ...

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