تحديث آخر نسخة 1.8.37

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أطلب الكراك أو الرقم السري لأي برنامج و يكون عندك خلال يومين كأقصى حد ....
ما هى الرسالة التى تظهر لك عندما تضغط Next ؟
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هذا ما يظهر لي أخي بالتتابع:
[صورة: 1b30d500fd.jpg]

[صورة: ca388528e2.jpg]

[صورة: 22b2640bae.jpg]
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الصورة الثالثة.. هناك ارقام مكتوبة امام Activision Number خدها كوبى وبست فى برنامج الأكتيفيشن
واضغط Generate سيخرج لك رقم الصقه فى الخانة الموجود بالبنرامج نفسه
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تمّ الأمر يا أخي جزاك الله كل خير.
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مشكور أخي العزيز pepo على ما قدمته للأعضاء و أسف جدا على الموضوع فلقد كلفتك بالرد على الأعضاء لغيابي عن المنتدى
جزاك الله خير..
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العفو يا غالى.. لا يوجد الفرق المهم الأفادة والأستفادة
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ارجو المساعدة في البحث عن كراك او سريال لبرنامج FlashFXP v3.4 Final - (3.4.0 build 1145)
بارك الله فيكم
﴿ ذَلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ ﴾
[صورة: histoirenarutoya5.jpg]
شكر من طرف :
FlashFXP Final Multilingual
كود :
FlashFXP is an extremely powerful and flexible FTP/FXP client. FlashFXP has become the defacto FTP/FXP client for those who want a simple, easy to use interface that incorporates the latest security, advanced options and new features that professionals demand. FlashFXP uses a familiar explorer like interface that even the most novice user can master in minutes.

FlashFXP allows you to transfer files from any FTP server directly to your local hard drive, or transfer files between two ftp sites (Site-to-Site transfers), giving you total control over any situation.

FlashFXP can handle thousands of connection types. If you are behind a firewall, proxy or gateway, no need to worry, as FlashFXP can be configured to support almost any network configuration.

FlashFXP has an intuitive and full featured user interface, allowing you to do all the common tasks with just a few clicks. It also support full drag & drop, so you can transfer files, synchronize folders, find files and schedule tasks with just one click.



* Fully tested and supports gigabit speeds (including Jumbo Frames)
* MODE Z support for on-the-fly streaming compression.
* Support for FEAT and "stat -l" fast directory listing reduces overhead and improves compatibilty.
* Download and upload speed limiting. Save some of your bandwidth for browsing the web.
* Advanced Skip list.
* Optional caching of remote directory lists.


* Includes OpenSSL Libraries 0.9.8b.
* Automatic support for One Time Password (OTP) S/KEY.
* Strong encryption (Blowfish) can be applied to the site manager to protect your information.
* Connect to sites using SSL/TLS encryption for added security, including the use of client certs.
* SSL Site-to-Site (SSCN) Transfers.
* Clear Command Channel (CCC).


* Site to Site (FXP) Transfers.
* Fully recursive file transferring (uploading, downloading, site to site).
* Caching allows for offline browsing, queueing.
* Firewall support, allowing you to define a set range of local ports, or bind to a specific IP.
* FTP Proxy, HTTP Proxy, Socks 4, 5 support. (WinGate, WinProxy, MS Proxy, etc).
* Internal ident server.
* Per Site Connectivity modes support.
* PRET support for distributed FTP servers.


* Full Multi-language support.
* Simple (FTP-Only) and Advanced (FXP) views.
* Advanced queue control.
* Transfer Graph (only ftp transfer speeds can be graphed).
* Multi-Proxy Server Manager.
* Synchronized browsing allows webmasters to keep local and remote directly listings in synch while browsing.
* Internal Schedule (Transfer or Stop a queue at a specific time).
* Enhanced drag-and-drop functionality.
* Import site listings from Cute FTP, WS_FTP, FTP Explorer, LeapFTP, and Bullet Proof. Including passwords!.
* Optional displaying of Owner/Groups/Attrib.
* Site Stats, keeps track of your uploads/downloads and overall totals.
* Minimizes to system tray.
* List hidden files.
* Folder Bookmarks to provide one click access to any folder.
* Quick backup/restore of all sites/settings.
* Internal text editor for quick edits.

Advanced Options

* Extensive command line options for scripting/scheduling.
* Remote FTP file search.
* Custom file highlighting; display file masks in user defined colors.
* Calculate the size of all files in a specified path.
* Grouped SITE custom commands.
* Priority transfer list.
* Time Zone setting for Site Manager.
* Selective Transfer feature (transfer only images or just php files).


* Bug report wizard, bug reports are now sent via http to our website rather than over email.
* Roll back on resumed file transfer to prevent corruption.
* Automatically reconnect and resume a transfer from where it left off if the connection is lost or no data is received for a specified period of time.
* Transfer files of all sizes, no 2gb/4gb size limit like some ftp clients.
* Anti-idle keeps connection active.
شكر من طرف :
جزاك الله خيرا يا اخي
جاري التحميل
﴿ ذَلِكَ وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ ﴾
[صورة: histoirenarutoya5.jpg]
شكر من طرف :
أريد crack هذا البرنامج PhotoZoom.Professional.v1.2.6-YAG و ليس serial لأنّني أمتلك أكثر من واحد و لا يعمل مع خالص الشكر.
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التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 12 ) ضيف كريم