الموضوع باختصار
الاستضافه توقف المنتدي للمرة الثانيه بسبب
وهذه الرساله من الاستضافه بسبب اغلاق المنتدي ما العمل وكيف احل هده المشكله
Mass mail is strictly prohibited by our Terms Of Service: http://www.hosting24.com/tos.php
You can send no more than 19 emails per minute (using PHP) and 9 emails/minute (using SMTP). Additionally, You are allowed to send up to 100 emails/hour from Your webmail account.
We are sorry for any inconveniences, but this is how the system works. We cannot remove this mass mail limitation as it would result in our mail server IP being blacklisted very fast. The server hosts hundreds of domains, and it is not possible to track everyone in real time so we must run this software to disable mass mailers.
ارجوكم ساعدوني بحل هذه المشكله وكيف اوقف البريد الشامل
شكرا لكم
ارجوكم اريد تعطيل خاصيه mass mail كيف
الاستضافه توقف المنتدي للمرة الثانيه بسبب
وهذه الرساله من الاستضافه بسبب اغلاق المنتدي ما العمل وكيف احل هده المشكله
Mass mail is strictly prohibited by our Terms Of Service: http://www.hosting24.com/tos.php
You can send no more than 19 emails per minute (using PHP) and 9 emails/minute (using SMTP). Additionally, You are allowed to send up to 100 emails/hour from Your webmail account.
We are sorry for any inconveniences, but this is how the system works. We cannot remove this mass mail limitation as it would result in our mail server IP being blacklisted very fast. The server hosts hundreds of domains, and it is not possible to track everyone in real time so we must run this software to disable mass mailers.
ارجوكم ساعدوني بحل هذه المشكله وكيف اوقف البريد الشامل
شكرا لكم
ارجوكم اريد تعطيل خاصيه mass mail كيف