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برنامج Folder Vault v2.0.0 لحماية المجلدات والملفات
اسم البرنامج: Folder Vault
الأصدار: 2.0.0
التحميل: Folder Vault برابط واحد فقط كامل..
تصنيف: برامج حماية المجلدات

نبذة عن البرنامج بالإنجليزية..

كود :
Password Protect Folder. Lock Encrypt Hide Files
Folder Vault is a file-security program allowing the user to hide, lock, encrypt and protect files and folders in the blink of an eye. Folder Vault uses advanced folder locking & hiding technology to password protect folders and files. hide folder, lock folders, encrypt folders; ultimate windows file system security program...

Product Overview
With one master password Folder Vault will protect your files, folders and even entire drives from being viewed, deleted, renamed, removed or accessed. Encrypt and hide your folders, files, pictures, documents in a flash. Folder Vault is completely portable and can protect data on removable drives such as usb flash drives, memory sticks, SD cards, laptops, etc... Folder Vault has advanced features such as "Stealth-Mode", allowing the user to run the program completely hidden to prevent other snoopers from even knowing it exists. Folder Vault uses advance security features allowing you to hide your folders and files from Windows, Dos and even Safe Mode. Encrypt your files and folders in your "Vault" using 256 bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also known as Rijndael, a block cipher adopted as an encryption standard by the U.S. government... Use Folder Vault's Log feature to view malicous login attempts. Other features of Folder Vault include: Auto Protect and close your vault, Auto-Shutdown your PC, Erase recent document history, Auto-Empty Recycle Bin, Clean Internet Explorer History, Clear Internet Explorer Address Bar History, Erase Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files & Cookies, Can't be uninstalled without the owners permission, Hide from Add Remove Programs..

Key features and benefits

* Hide folder, lock folders, encrypt and password protect folders and files.
* Unlimited number of files and folders to lock, hide, encrypt and protect.
* Multiple protection options:

hide / lock folder
hide / lock + scramble folder
hide / lock + scramble + encrypt folder

* Protect your documents, pictures, movies in seconds.
* Protected folders are inaccessible to all users (including administrators).
* Stealth Mode: hides Folder Vault on your computer; only you know it's there.
* Hide and lock files, folders, drives from all users including administrators.
* Protected files are hidden, undeletable, inaccessible and highly secure.
* Hide files from children, friends and co-workers.
* Safeguards data from hackers, viruses, trojans, worms and spyware.
* Locked folder is not accessible from networked PCs.
* Automatic protection activation after a set idle time
* Protect USB Flash Drives, Memory Sticks, floppies, notebooks, etc...
* Data remains protected from PC to PC.
* Locked data is protected in Windows, DOS and Safe Mode.
* AutoLock, Auto Shutdown PC, Lock your PC, Erase PC tracks
* 256-bit AES Government Level Encryption
* Explorer right-click context menu to quickly lock files and folders
* Folder Vault can't be uninstalled without a password.
* History Eraser
* Hot key support
* Hacker Attempt Monitoring
* Password recovery feature
* Block access to your internet favorites.
* Supports FAT, FAT32, and NTFS files systems
* Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 compatible

Parents: Keep your children safe

* Passord protect programs from being run on your computer.
* Block harmful programs, such as chat and online games.
* Hide important documents or data from your kids.
* Block access to your internet favorites

Businesses: Protect confidential data and increase production

* Protect your important files on portable drives, usb flash drives, laptops etc... with government level AES encryption. If your portable drive is lost or stolen it can't be recovered without your password.
* Block web surfing and online entertainment.

صورة البرنامج

[صورة: 47632_200_150_C8C8C8.jpg]

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